Apr 26, 2011

I Love Bazaar

Hye all! At 23 and April 24 as you all know, I Love Bazaar was held in Subang Parade. So me and my friends were given the opportunity to participate in this event. The Merci Store has taken the opportunity to sell some clothes and merchandise and get to know more about the world of bazaar with more deeper.

This is The Merci Store price tag.

The four of us, me, Shaz, Hamdan and Izzat.

Some of the pictures when they snap me with the customers.
 What I wore for the first day. Shirt, pants, and belt from The Merci Store. Shoes from Thr5t. Stockings borrow form Izzat's father.

Let's rock the second day. What I wore are binnie from Indonesia (a present from Hamdan), T-shirt and skinny jeans from TOPMAN, belt from BUM EQUIPMENT, shoes from Thr5t, and watch from my mum.

Everything is telling the atmosphere and the situation there.
While customers may be recognized a little less than before event, but me and my friends still feel the excitement. Plus, I got to know many people and had many experiences that I can keep as the best memory this year. Indeed, it will not be forgotten even though I can not see Yuna, even my friends, Hamdan had posted on her wall in Facebook. Such an over confident Hamdan. Thank you! By the way, fells free to click my store :

Apr 16, 2011

Move !


Click the picture that will bring you to our new themercistore.blogspot.com Thank you!